Website Changes Tool to stop you losing your sh*t

Finalising your website is always the tricky part and where many clients start to lose their sh*t as smoothing out the fine details takes a lot of back and forth. The website changes tool is exactly what we need to get your website launch ready.

In this post...

Quick Video Tutorial (4mins)

The Steps in using the tool

Here are the outlining steps on sending website updates to us.
Remember, you must work on one page at a time and press SEND UPDATE at the end of eah page or they wont be saved.
  1. Click Any Changes Tab on the right
  2. Select the T for type tool
  3. Click on the screen area to make notes to change
  4. Save each change
  5. Press NEXT at the top
  6. Press + to add another section of changes
  7. Scroll down to the next website section
Any problems, please send me a message 🙂
Chris Holland 9G Websites

Chris Holland – Website consultant to expert services

P.s. Want help re-positioning your business online? Book a free 20 min consultation with me.

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Implement these six things to transform your services page into a sales page so you can increase double the leads from your website.


Free Guide: Double Your Website Enquiries with these six tips

The CRITICAL question about your business

Chris Holland - Business & Marketing Guide
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