Why build Google reviews?

If people Google your company name or a local service you are ranking for in the local business listings good reviews will put you above your competition by showing how good you are.

In this post...

Did you know your Google My Business listing can get you more local business and build trust to convert more sales in your company?

The one piece of advice that got me thousands of pounds more business this year was from Chris about getting more Google reviews.”

– John Barnett / Broadstairs Roofing

Want to build Google Reviews? It’s not easy, but totally worth it!

Getting Google reviews is like pulling teeth but, they are worth their weight in gold when it comes to building your online rep and trust with potential clients.

#1 Get reviews from new clients

It’s important to build reviews from new clients from now on.

  • Make it part of your finishing process as we do
  • Give them review us printed cards
  • Reward them for giving you a review

#2 Get reviews from old clients

Past clients are a great place to quickly start building your companies reviews.

  • Shortlist at least 20 older clients and ask them to review you
  • Think about the ones who you had great relationships with
  • Flatter them with a comment like below


Hi Bob,

Hope life is good for you right now.

We are building our business and need your help.

Because I enjoyed working with you and felt we did a good job I thought I would ask you for a Google review.

Could you please take a minute of your valuable time to answer this question as a Google review for me.

Question1: What result did you get from working with us?
Question 2: What would you say to a friend looking to solve the same problem?
Please answer in Google here (INSERT YOUR GOOGLE REVIEW LINK)


Look after your listing, it’s important and can win you more local work by boosting your digital reputation.

Want an easy way to collect reviews?

Get a personalised short link like www.yourwebsite.co.uk/review and give it to clients so they can rate your service on Google for £49+vat

​Start building your local Google Business Listing to convert more clients.

Chris Holland 9G Websites

Chris Holland – Website consultant to expert services

P.s. Want help re-positioning your business online? Book a free 20 min consultation with me.

6 Steps to Double Your Website Enquiries

Implement these six things to transform your services page into a sales page so you can increase double the leads from your website.


Free Guide: Double Your Website Enquiries with these six tips

The CRITICAL question about your business

Chris Holland - Business & Marketing Guide
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