7 things to you need to know about your website

A lot of small business owners don’t realise their website is a crucial part of their sales process and should be helping them close more deals. These 7 things are key to understanding how your website can help your business especially if you are looking for a web designer.

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Here are the 7 things you need to know about your website and it’s web design

  1. Your website’s content is more important than design
  2. 84% of your customers will check you out online first
  3. Your website can lose you referrals without you even knowing
  4. Your website connects everything online
  5. Your website is the bridge to solving your customer’s problems
  6. Cheap hosting will kill your chances with a customer
  7. Google My Business is absolute gold to get on page 1 and linked to your website

Understanding these important facts will help to ensure that your new website is successful.

Let’s go into a little more detail about each point.

1. Your website’s content is more important than the design

Your website content will make or break you and your website.

The first and most important thing is to understand that your website’s content is the key to connecting with potential clients. It is also the hardest part to create, and is usually left down to you.

When I say “content” I mean the main text content, the messaging, the page content, and project write-ups for your website.

Major issues that come up here are…

  • Brochure content doesn’t stand you apart or engage with your prospects
  • You aren’t a content writer and don’t have the time or inclination to become one
  • Your web designer doesn’t understand business or marketing

If you have a pretty website with crappy content, it’s like having a Ferrari with no engine. Well useful!

“Good design is expected now. Good content still isn’t. Work with an experienced content writer who will take the time to learn your business and take the biggest thing off your lap.”

Warning – Generally, your website project will drag out for months if the content is left down to you.

2. 84% of your prospects will check you out online first

Give them a great first impression.

Referral or not, your prospects check you out online first and many companies take their website for granted when it comes to converting new leads.

Things to consider here…

  • Not investing in your website can make you look unprofessional
  • A mobile responsive website is a must as over 60% look at you on their mobile
  • Say something different than other companies to make a cracking first impression

Warning – It’s busy out there and so easy to get comparisons from other companies so start on your best first, showing your best side

3. Your website can lose you referrals without you even knowing

Referrals aren’t always in the bag.

You may be guilty of thinking that when you get a referral, the business is yours. However, your website can create doubt and ultimately a lost lead without you knowing.

I had a contractor client who nearly lost a £50k referral because the prospect saw his old website and thought they couldn’t cope with the job. Luckily the person who recommended them found out and fought his corner!

Common issues…

  • Your projects don’t show the scope and detail they are looking for
  • Your services aren’t crafted around solving their problem
  • You aren’t showing credibility to your biggest customers

“Make sure you really understand your ideal customer so that when they research you they instantly see that you can cope, understand their problem and can solve it”

Warning – It’s more expensive to lose a good referral due to an ineffective website than invest more time and money into a customer-focused solution.

4. Your website connects everything online

Everything leads to your website.

Your website is the centre of your company’s digital brand but companies forget that everything links back to it. Your website has a massive impact on first impressions.

Examples of where your website is a key player…

  • Your CheckaTrade profile is looking great
  • You put regular posts to Facebook or LinkedIn
  • You are getting good local Google results
  • Your vans are looking good and getting attention

“Your website is your digital salesman waiting online 24 hours a day ready to convert your visitors into prospects”

Warning – Don’t waste time and money on building your reputation only to lose business because of your website.

5. Your website is the bridge to solving your customers’ problem

First and foremost we are problem solvers.

Sometimes we forget that while we provide a service, we actually solve a real problem for our customers. This needs to be at the forefront.

Things to look out for…

  • Listing your services like your company brochure doesn’t place you as a problem solver
  • Your customers are selfish and care about their problem, not your company
  • Starting sentences with ‘we’ and ‘our’ instead of ‘you’ and  ‘your’ is more about you

“Your company will become more memorable if you understand, empathise and offer a clear solution to your customer’s problem”

Warning – Ignoring your customer’s problem and only focusing on your services isn’t going to set you up as the expert.

6. Cheap hosting will kill your chances with a prospect

An offline website is lost business.

You invest in your new website to convert customers, only to lose them because of slow-loading pages and/or your website being down due to an error.

It may sound silly but this is often the case if you don’t consider the quality of your hosting.

Major issues that affect your business…

  • Some web companies offer inadequate hosting
  • You don’t want website support until you really need it
  • Your website hasn’t been backed-up and it crashed, losing everything
  • Your website is down, losing customers and no one realises for days or weeks

“Your website should help your business and not hinder it. Just like a service plan or insurance for your car.”

Warning – The average website is down for 12 hours each month without the owner knowing. How much is a single customer worth to you?

7. Google My Business is absolute gold to get on page 1

Power-up your online presence for free.

Honestly, Google my business (GMB) is free to use and many companies still aren’t using it to its full potential.

Google’s key features…

  • It’s linked to your website and its rankings
  • It appears when people Google your brand name or your service type in their area
  • GMB Reviews help rankings and win customers

“It’s free and the reviews are vetted so you can build a trusted first impression over your competition”

Warning – If you fail to set up or improve your Google business listing, your potential customers are being greeted with a crappy first impression.

Don’t be a word of mouth wally!

Look, no one likes losing business, especially to their competition. You have worked too hard and for too long to lose jobs or get embarrassed because of your website.

Checking you out online is the first step potential customers take when looking for you or your service. Look after your website and your Google business listing!

We use our proven 7-point standout formula, in where each point elevates your business above your competition and helps you win customers.

Did it help? Then check out our done-for-you web design service here

Chris Holland 9G Websites

Chris Holland – Website consultant to expert services

P.s. Want help re-positioning your business online? Book a free 20 min consultation with me.

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The CRITICAL question about your business

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